Thursday, May 14, 2015

Ask The Passengers by A.S. King

13069935Ask the passengers. 

4.5 stars 

Girl is stuck an unhealthy family and in the closet. 

A. S. King is a goddess. I've heard for a while that her books are amazing but never picked one up, but after Glory O'Brien's History of the Future I can't stop reading her. This one wasn't as good as Glory but still definitely great. I was surprised by how she was gay, which is the best. One of the best things is to be reading a book and then the main characters turn out gay and you never saw it coming. I know this isn't particularly right, but it automatically makes the book a lot better (Except you House of Hades, except you). 

My only problem with Ask The Passengers was the fantasy, magical realism aspect. It was inconsistent and I think there should've only been one, not too battling fantasy aspects. There are two, Socrates who follows the main character around, and air plane passengers that have a connection with her. 

I really enjoyed this story overall, it was a great read. 

Please Ignore Vera Dietz by A.S. King

123057583.5 stars 

Summary: Vera was in love with her best friend. Then he ditched her. Then he died. 

So far, this is my least favorite novel by A.S. King. But that isn't saying much. I have also read Glory O'Brien's History of the Future and Ask the Passengers by her. 

I'm writing this really late so I can't really remember it. I thought the mystery was kind of weak and the story was dark in a weird way I can't describe. Wow, this is horrible I need to get out of here. 

We All Looked Up by Tommy Wallach

3 stars. 

Summary: When the world learns Earth will be hit with a meteor, killing 2/3 of the world population, in two months four teenagers must get their shit together. 

This book could've been really good.

It has a great premise and a really nice cover and name. There was so much potential but sadly, it didn't follow through. The writing wasn't very good, the plot a little everywhere with questionable decisions, characters a little flat and cliche, and unfortunately, a little slut shamey. 

However, this did not stop me from enjoying the book. I am a sucker for the-world-is-ending-quick-lets-fall-in-love stories. Which this is. It was cute at points, funny at others and kept me on the edge of my seat. After the beginning, which was kind of slow and boring, I was at the edge of my seat. 

Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson

18189606Rating: 3.5 Stars

Summary: When Emily's best friend disappears, leaving only a to-do list behind Emily has to figure out what to do with her life. 

I really enjoyed Since You've Been Gone.  It was a quick, cute, fun light read that was both engaging and interesting. I especially loved the theater aspect to it, something I don't think I've really ever read before.

 I only really had two problems with it, it's predictability (which is pretty much inevitable in YA romance) and the characters. They weren't really complex, with some having absolutely no flaws, while others would have one big flaw that was resolved. Also, now that I think about it, some sub plots were kind of useless, made a bigger deal than they should've, or didn't arise to be anything. This book wasn't anything that stood out to me, it wasn't amazing or thought provoking but I did get me out of a reading slump, which is always good. I also heard a lot of hype around this book, which probably affected my experience with this book too.