Sunday, June 21, 2015

Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli

19547856Rating: 4 Stars

Simon is being blackmailed. He's also exchanging emails with a boy he goes to school with with the code name blue. When he leaves an email open, revealing that he's gay, things start to change. 

This book was one of the cutest things I've ever read. Like, can't stop smiling even when it's over , giggling out loud cute. I read it in one sitting, a few hours in a long car trip spent well. There's also some special about a book that just came out and all the references are super current that I always love. Some things did annoy me, but it was just characters being stupid. Still super super cute. 

This book wasn't groundbreaking or thought provoking or monumental but it was sure as hell cute and for that is recommend it immensely. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater: Re-read series review

Series Rating: 4.5

Series Summary: Blue Sargent is cursed to kill her true love if she kisses him. When Blue meets the Raven Boys, whom one of she is destined to fall in love with or kill, she becomes entranced. Both engulfed with the boys and the mission they are set on.  An urban fantasy which 

I did not plan this. Right now I should not be re-reading books, my slight reading slump does not need this. I had planned to re-read a couple book this summer and this series was no where near this list. Then, someone on my tumblr dash went on a Raven Cycle reblogging spree and  I got sucked in. 

This series is so much better than I remember. And I really liked it before. I guess this rereading was slightly good for me, as the final book comes out in September, I didn't really remember a lot of thing (especially major points in the last book like WoAh how did I not remember that man) and there's some things I think I missed reading the first time around. 

Steifvater's writing is beautiful but I can sometimes get lost in it. I can't really describe her writing, but you probably know what I mean if you've read it. She makes you fall hard for the characters, every single one, from the minor ones to even the villains. The romance(s) are so good, yet not even close to the main plot, it makes my heart melt ans eyes water. The subplots rarely feel like distraction or filler and fall into the main plot beautifully.  Each keep me at the edge of my seat. 

My favorite out of the three is the last one, Blue Lily, Lily Blue (which I have a review on) . After reading it for the first time, it was my least favorite but I think that is because I read it too fast. Each book is better than the last and I am highly anticipating the final book, The Raven King, which come out in September. This is a great series which I would recommend to anyone.