Sunday, December 7, 2014

In the Afterlight and Sparks Rise by Alexandra Bracken

In the Afterlight by Alexandra Bracken is the third and final book in the Darkest Minds trilogy There will be spoilers for both the first two books, The Darkest Minds and Never Fade.
In The Afterlight (The Darkest Minds, #3)

I loved the first two books, but didn't enjoy this one just as much. And it's a hundred percent my fault. I didn't remember who a lot of people were (Like Cate and Nico) or what they did. (It took me about 150 pages to get into the book but once I did I pretty much finished it in one sitting. Like, staying up until the sun comes up to finish it type of thing, which I haven't done in a while. A lot of the characters annoyed me, like Ruby, Liam and Cole. Definitely Cole.

I really liked how it went full circle at the end. Ruby started at Thurmond in The Darkest Minds and ending there in this books. It was one of my favorite parts when they were telling the story at night and Ruby revealed her plan. I wish after they escaped Ruby found them again, especially Sam, and...I don't know they all thanked Ruby or something. However, I haven't read the Sam novella yet, Sparks Rise.

Edit: I just read Sparks Rise and I should've known to read it before hand, like you have to read In Time before Never Fade. Why was I so stupid? (Spoilers coming) I'm crying. I'm crying more from those 100 pages than the 500+ in In the Afterlight. It's so sad, my whole body feels it. I fell like I could throw up from the sadness. I went back and reread the parts with Sam in In the Afterlight and now I'm 10x more sadder. I want to throw up. I need a glass of water. My hopes were so high in the beginning I was overcome with happiness. But once they started to escape and I realized Lucas was the guy Ruby noticed in In the Afterlight I was so struck with sadness I had to put my kindl down. I sat it down, walked away and didn't think I could finish it.  It hurt me so much knowing what would happen next I couldn't finish it. I, of course, did and now I regret picking up Sparks Rise.

Another one of my favorite parts was when they found Zu. My heart grew three sizes, and then some. I gasped out loud when Zu started talking in the interview, even though I kind of guessed she would talk eventually. When Ruby and Liam found Vida and Chubs, even though I've been calling this since the first time they met, was shocking. I think it was how they found them. I laughed so hard when it happened.

I can't really finish this review anymore, for I am crying over Sparks Rise. I can't believe a novella can do this to me. Reading In Time I was like this is the best novella I've ever read, but it was outranked. In Time was really good, but it didn't leave me with this sick feeling like I feel now. Alexandra Bracken, you are one cruel mistress. This has become more of a Sparks Rise review than In the Afterlight review. I should change the title. All in all, I can't really sum up my feeling for In the Afterlight right now cause it's being overshadowed by its novella. Is that a bad thing?

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