Sunday, July 19, 2015

I Was Here by Gayle Forman

18879761Rating: 3.5 stars

Summary: Everything changed when Cody's best friend killed herself. It changed when Meg swallowed a bottle of industrial strength poison in a motel room next to a 50 dollar tip fro the maid. When Meg's parents sent Cody to Tacoma to pick up Meg's stuff. After Cody met Meg's college friends and roommates. And when Meg's death gets turned upside down all the while Cody is falling for one of Meg's friend. 

It was average. The characters didn't stand out to me, the plot and mystery not as surprisings or out there as I wanted, and the writing not that great. It seemed mostly a reflection on suicide, which is great, but that wasn't what I wanted. I didn't really want to read this in the first place, as I feel like I've read so many books about it. There was also a section of online chatting I had to skim through because they were kinda triggering me. The characters were kinda flat and the romance unbelievable.  I It wasn't exactly insta love. It was we've known each other for an appropriate amount of time but I've never indicated the I love you but now I'm suddenly confessing my love for you - love.

tl;dr Okay read. Entertaining. Would recommend the other Gayle Forman books first.  

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