Summary: The second book in the Rebel Belle series. Will include spoilers. In the aftermath of the Cotillion incident which left Harper's best friend missing and her ex boyfriend back in to her life Harper, David and Ryan are trying to get their life back to normal.
??? WHat was tHat???? That ending?? BUt thEre's gonna be another book?? How? WHy??
Okay, the plot leading up to the climax, I feel like, didn't really match the climax. There might've been what could've been called a climax but it didn't seem like that big of a deal and I didn't really care. It wasn't very exciting and not much happen, unlike the last one. It also wasn't as funny (and by as I mean it wasn't even funny at all) as the last one. Character choices annoyed me and i'm just so confused right now and will be for the next while until a synopsis for the next book will come out.